Chi è Husayn(as)?
Chi è Husayn(as)? “Ho imparato da Husayn, come vincere essendo oppresso.” (Mahatma Gandhi) Cosa c’è?? Husayn bin ‘Ali(as), era una guida rivoluzionaria del settimo secolo, il quale si è sacrificato per la giustizia sociale nella lotta contro l’oppressione e la corruzione. Husayn(as) ha sacrificato la sua vita per questa via. Lui […]
Wer ist Hussein?
Wer ist Hussein? Ich lernte von Hussein, wie man in der Unterdrückung siegreich sein kann! Wie? Imam Hussein war ein revolutionärer Führer des 7. Jahrhunderts, der den größten Widerstand gegen Grausamkeit und Korruption zeigte und sich extrem für soziale Gerchtigkeit einsetzte! Imam Hussein opferte sein Leben und seines 6-monatiges Baby und starben […]
¿Quién es Husein?
Aprendí de Husein cómo conseguir victoria cuando estoy oprimido. (Mahatma Gandhi) texto escrito en una etiqueta pegada en una botella de agua ¿Qué pasa? Husein Ibn Ali era un líder revolucionario en el siglo VII que mostró todo el sacrificio que pudo para establecer justicia social contra […]
Who is Hussein?
Who is Hussein? I learnt from Hussein how to achieve victory while being oppressed. Mahatma Gandhi What’s all this about? Hussein, the son of Ali, was a revolutionary leader of the 7th century who stood up for social justice and displayed ultimate self-sacrifice against oppression and corruption. Hussein sacrificed his life for […]
terrorist is not a Muslim
So far 16 people have been killed in the terrorist attack by Muslims Last night What’s going on? Why are you crying? Tell mommy, what has happened? I do not know why my classmates has changed since yesterday, they call me terrorist. They say: all of you Muslims are murderers. You Muslims are all terrorists, […]
I’m proud to be a Muslim
I’m proud to be a Muslim ۱- Ok mom, I’ll go to aunt Jamile’s this weekend, but only if dad allows my boyfriend to go with us! ۲- We Muslims have many problems, and the veil you and others are wearing is one of them! We came from far to work and live […]